5 Town Partnership
Meets 2nd Thursday of the month (9:00am - 10:00am)
Pete Antos-Ketcham
Addison County Housing Coalition
Meets 1st Thursday of the month (2:15pm - 3:15pm)
Susan Whitmore
Addison County Partners Meeting
Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month (10:00am - 11:00am)
Fred Kenney
Addison County Substance Use & Prevention Coalition
Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month (12:00pm - 1:00pm)
Sylvie Morrison and Celia Heath
Addison County Workforce Alliance
Meeting times vary
Fred Kenney
Adult LIT (Local Interagency Team)
3rd Friday of the month (12:00pm - 1:00pm)
Kerri Duquette-Hoffman
Building Bright Futures
2nd Friday of the month (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Darla Senecal
CHAT (Community Health Action Team)
4th Thursday of the month (9:00am - 10:00am)
Sylvie Morrison
Directors' Meeting (Early Childhood Ed)
Closed Meeting
Linda January
Homelessness Task Force
3rd Thursday of the month (1:30pm - 2:30pm)
Heidi Lacey
Housing Solutions
Every Wednesday (1:15pm - 2:00pm)
Heidi Lacey
Hunger Council
3rd Tuesday of the month (2:30pm - 3:30pm)
Catherine Caum and Emily Landenberger
Middlebury Area Clergy Association (MACA)
2nd Wednesday of the month (1:00pm - 2:00pm)
Rev. Elizabeth Gleick
Quarterly Addison FCH Coalition
2nd Tuesday of the month (12:00pm - 1:00pm)
Holly Laramee
Resilient Communities
2nd Tuesday of the month (8:30am - 9:30am)
Cheryl Huntley
Retired Clergy Group
3rd Friday of the month (10:00am - 11:00am)
Rev. David Andrews
Youth LIT (Local Interagency Team)
2nd Monday of the month (9:00am - 10:00am)
LuAnn Chiola