At the core of the Addison County Substance Use and Prevention Coalition’s mission to combat youth substance use is the Addison County Youth Survey. This annual survey gathers vital data from students in grades 7-12, offering insights into trends, risk factors, and protective factors that impact our youth. With nearly 70% participation from students across our three districts, we gain a reliable snapshot of key issues in our community.
Collecting local data empowers us to tailor interventions specifically to the needs of Addison County students. For example, the data indicated a low perception of harm associated with cannabis and alcohol, so we launched a targeted campaign called Celebrate Safely to raise awareness about the risks and enhance the community's understanding. Other initiatives have included Community Parent/Caregiver Night, Project Sticker Shock, and more. We extrapolate real-time data and hone in on various subgroups, including LGBTQ+ youth and the BIPOC population, enabling us to identify disparities and advocate for necessary resources and support.
Sharing our findings fosters transparency and trust within the community, sparking essential conversations about substance use and mental health. The data collected in 2021, 2023, and 2024 has consistently highlighted trends in substance use, perceptions of harm, mental health, and more. We are fortunate to continue this important data collection for another five years, thanks to our recently awarded Drug-Free Communities grant from 2024 through 2029.
Excitingly, recent data indicates a significant decline in high school students' reported substance use over the past 30 days for alcohol, cannabis, and vaping. We are hopeful that this positive trend will continue as we provide ongoing prevention support through the Addison County Substance Use and Prevention Coalition.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to our school partners for their unwavering support in ensuring this crucial data is collected year after year and to the students who take the time to participate in this important survey. Your contributions are vital to creating a healthier community for everyone.