Once upon a time, a local nonprofit became a family...
"Cindy" found herself in a tough spot after her divorce as a newly single mom with an infant, no income, no transportation and 6 months of overdue bills.
“Someone told me about Addison County Parent Child Center,” says Cindy, “and I did not want to go because I have never been a person to ask for help and I have severe anxiety around new people.” Luckily, Cindy managed to overcome her fears and eventually met with ACPCC and has never regretted it.
“Let me tell you what,” she explains, “ACPCC is now a family to me. They have helped me with so much -- becoming a better mom with parenting classes, financial classes, classes to help me get a good job, transportation for my family’s appointments, pointers on other resources when other help is needed and transportation to get food for me and my family.”
But the support ACPCC gives to Cindy and her family extends beyond the practical. She adds, “The bonds I’ve created with everyone at ACPCC are unbreakable. I love every single person at ACPCC, they are my family!”
We believe every child should enter school on a path to succeed and, to do this, we must move the entire family forward together. We're proud to support the Addison County Parent Child Center through our Community Impact Funding. Your gift to United Way of Addison County makes our investment in life-changing organizations and programs possible. THANK YOU for your continued support.