Youth-to-Youth: A message from Olivia & Sean
Hello, Addison County youth! At United Way of Addison County, it is our mission to preserve the overall health and well-being of the individuals in our area, especially youth. As the youth representation in this organization, we wanted to give some helpful tips and advice to support YOU, our friends and peers during this time. Here are a few things that we came up with, and please feel free to share your own ideas, tips, and advice with us, as well as reach out to us with any questions or needs. We are in this together, and we are here for you!
1. Set Goals
Make a list of projects you want to accomplish outside of your schoolwork. Maybe you want to paint your room, do an art project, or learn a language. If you fill your time, it will fly by faster. Whatever your plan, it’s important to stay organized to accomplish your goals. Any project is possible when you set your mind to it and stay on track.
2. Keep up with School
Make sure you are staying in contact with teachers and completing assignments on time. The more you get done early, the more time you’ll have to relax and have fun. EXTRA TIP: Staying in contact with your peers is very useful. Think of how many times a day you talk to others in your class. If you are there for others, they will be there for you.
3. Talk to your Friends
Just because you can’t see your friends in person doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected. They miss you as much as you miss them, so make sure to text and talk with them as much you can. Maybe even try setting up a digital meeting with them! EXTRA TIP: Social connections are incredibly important to everyone as they mature. Adults who had strong connections as youth were 48 - 66 % less likely to have mental health issues, experience violence, engage in risky sexual behavior, and use substances. So stay connected!
4. Stay Motivated and Stay Busy
If you’ve been going from feeling “sooo bored” one moment and then feeling drowned underneath all the work school is giving you, you’re not alone! The cure is simple! Get your schoolwork done as soon as you can while giving your teachers high-quality work, (Staying off/away from your phone can help a lot) and choose some activities to keep you from being busy. “Teens who report they are frequently bored are 50% more likely to smoke, drink, get drunk, and use illegal drugs,” says CASA.
We encourage you to find your own ways to have fun and get excited naturally and healthily. Throw a ball, sing a song, or paint a picture. We hope you have a fun, safe, and happy spring!
Socially distant,
Olivia Brooks & Sean Davison - UWAC Youth Coordinators
Contact us!
Olivia Brooks:
Sean Davison: