United Way of Addison County (UWAC), the organization that identifies and works to find solutions for the most pressing needs in Addison County, is pleased to announce its board of directors approved the addition of two new organizations to its Community Impact Funding (CIF) partners: Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN) and Prevent Child Abuse Vermont (PCAVT).
UWAC’s funding to ACORN will include $5,000 per year (for three years) to support their “Farmacy: Food as Medicine” programming. This "Prescription CSA" or "Food is Medicine" program addresses three major needs in Addison County: diet-related illness, food insecurity, and local farm viability.
UWAC’s funding to PCAVT will include $3,000 per year (for three years) to support the Nurturing Parent Program (NPP), a family-centered parenting program that was specifically designed for the prevention of abuse. The NPP has been proven to be effective in promoting positive protective factors and in decreasing the likelihood of child abuse and neglect.
Historically, UWAC has accepted CIF applications every winter in one of their three priority areas: health, education, and financial stability. Funding commitments are made for three years (dependent on the success of annual fundraising efforts) and focus each year on one of the three priority areas. A diverse team of dedicated Addison County citizens carefully review and evaluate applications and make program funding recommendations to UWAC’s Board of Directors. This year, UWAC accepted applications in the health priority area using a hybrid model; level funding their existing health partners and accepting applications from new-to-UWAC organizations addressing health challenges in Addison County. In total, $117,460 in funds will be distributed to 14 health partners (and $336,857 to all 31 partners) in 2022 thanks to the generous support of the community.
“UWAC’s ability to increase our financial investment in the community in the midst of an ongoing pandemic speaks volumes about the people who live and work here,” said Helena Van Voorst, UWAC’s Executive Director. “As the needs of the community have grown in number and scale over the past 2.5 years, the community’s support of UWAC has grown with them. Our Board, staff, volunteers, nonprofit partners, and donors are strongly united in our fight to improve lives and strengthen the community - and that has made all the difference.”
UWAC’s commitment to its funded partners is possible thanks to the philanthropic support of its donors. For a full list of UWAC’s funded partners, please click here.