A program of United Ways of Vermont, Vermont 2-1-1 is a statewide, confidential information and referral helpline that connects callers to available human services including food, shelter and healthcare. Callers speak with a real person every time who can help problem-solve and/or refer callers to government programs, community-based organizations, support groups and many other local resources.
It’s real people helping real people - just dial 2-1-1. A local call from anywhere in Vermont and confidential assistance available 24/7/365. Visit the Vermont 2-1-1 Online Community Resource Directory for detailed descriptions of programs and services available to Vermonters that are provided by local community groups, social service and health-related agencies, government organizations, and others.
- Basic Needs
- Consumer Services
- Criminal Justice and Legal Services
- Education
- Environment/Public Health/Public Safety
- Health Care
- Income Support and Employment
- Individual and Family Life
- Mental Health and Substance Misuse Services
- Organizational/Community Services